The following ingredients have intellectual property protection in the U.S., international filings, and pending applications as well.
United States
International Filing and Issued Patents
- China
- CN1964627(en)
- CN105636973(en)
- Canada
- 2609633
- 2928656
- Hong Kong
- 1218918
- Europe
- EP1755391
- EP3027635
- EP3063163
- Australia
- 2006238858
- 2014342185
- 2014298629
- Japan
- 6208352
- 6509844
- 7061077
- 7136795
- South Africa
- 201600908
- 201603314
- 201807586
- Mexico
- 349969
- 385305
- 394291
- New Zealand
- 716277
- 719328
- Brazil
- 112016001774
- Indonesia
- 201800430
- India
- 364502
- Korea
- 102303966
- 102450537